Election Issues
Developing Issues

Carl E. Person
325 W.45th St Suite 201
New York NY 10036-3803
Tel. No. - 212-307-4444
Fax No. - 212-307-0247
Email Address: carlpers@ix.netcom.com

What You Can Do to Help

These issues are novel and need to be implemented somewhere, perhaps in your town, village or county. You can help me, Carl E. Person, in my efforts to have these issues adopted throughout the United States, by helping me get one or more of the issues adopted in your area. This can be done in a variety of ways:

  1. Running me for mayor in your town or village - see www.lawmall.com/electionissues/majorvalues.php#mayor for discussion of various decisions that provide an opportunity (although not fully guaranteed) for an interested person to run for mayor (or councilperson) of a town or village, even if the candidate does not live in the town or village; and that, if there is a stated residency requirement established by the town a declaratory action could be commenced to declare the residency requirement unconstitutional; I would like to run for mayor in numerous towns and villages throughout the U.S. at the same time, to be able to unite the towns and villages in pursuing the same reforms (many of which are described in this website)

  2. Sending the website address - www.lawmall.com/electionissues - to friends, relatives, associates on your email list together with a statement urging them to look at the issues and see what they can do to help get them adopted in their community

  3. Sending the website address - www.lawmall.com/electionissues - to local elected officials, with a statement by you urging them to adopt these issues as part of their program for the community

  4. Add a link to this website in your own personal or company website, which will help increase the position of this website in search-engine results and increase the reach of these important election issues; when you have added a link to this website (see proposed text immediately hereafter), I will email you FREE a pdf copy of my book Saving Main Street and Its Retailers, together with a copy of its front cover (a jpg file);just copy the following text into your website under some appropriate heading such as "Recommended Websites for You to Visit". Here is the proposed text: “Go to attorney Carl E. Person’s “election issues” website to see how you can help save independent local businesses from destruction in your town, village or community. Website Showing How YOU Can Help Save Local Businesses in Your Area from Destruction by Major Retailers

  5. Creating a group of local people who would be interested in working as a group to have one or more of the issues adopted, and contact me, Carl E. Person, to see what I can do to help the group, such as by appearing at a public meeting to discuss the issues

  6. Setting up a public meeting - which I would attend - to discuss these issues for adoption by the community

  7. Running for mayor or councilperson advocating the implementation of some or all of these issues , which candidacy I would support by appearances and by helping with the distribution of my book, Saving Main Street and Its Retailers

  8. By getting small businesses and trade associations interested in these proposed reforms.
    You will find Chapter 30 at Text of Chapter 30

  9. Asking for an email pdf copy of my book, Saving Main Street and Its Retailers and its jpg cover, reading its last chapter (Chapter 30) and then deciding you would like to have the book distributed to the small businesses in the area, and then contact me on how this can be done, such as by email, by hard copy left at the Chamber of Commerce or other office, or perhaps by mail (postage is $1.41 per copy by "media mail")

  10. By suggesting what else you, I or anyone else can do - please let me know.