- Updated C.V. or Resume of Attorney Carl E. Person
- Candidates, Elections, Ballot Initiatives, NYC/Town Attorney General
- My Other Politically-Oriented Websites
- My Antitrust Websites and Book
- My Prosecutorial Abuse and Criminal Law Websites
- Additional Websites for Attorneys and Small Law Firms
- Additional Websites for Small Business
- Miscellaneous Websites
- My 6 Self-Help Pamphlets
- My 3 Paperback Books
- 19 Articles for My Losers Magazine
- My Press Releases
- 11/05/07 Lawmall Index Page - to Compare
Carl E. Person
225 E. 36th St Suite 3A
New York NY 10016-3664
Tel. No. - 212-307-4444
Fax No. - 212-307-0247
Email Address:
Here are links to two YouTube 1-hour interviews I had recently with Harold Channer.
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 02-28-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
Carl E. Person and Harold Channer - Air date: 05-15-08 - CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW
rev 9/1/12
Issues and Answers under the Sherman Antitrust Act

First Published 1997; Last Update: 11/08/06 9:24 pm
Issues and Answers under the Sherman Antitrust Act. 1st Time Visitors-How to Use this website
Specific Issues under the Sherman Act:
- UNDER CONSTRUCTION Whether Manufacturer's Termination of Distributor for Resales below Manufacturer-Set Retail Price and Subsequent Prohibition of Sales by Other Distributors to the Terminated Distributor Are Price-Fixing and Boycott Violations of the Sherman Act Price-Fixing and Group Boycott by Manufacturer
- Many Companies Injured by Price-Fixing, Boycotts, Monopolization and Price/Service Discrimination Are Heading for Insolvency and/or Bankruptcy. Should Such a Company Consider Filing an Antitrust Suit for Monetary Damages?Should a Failing Business Heading for Bankruptcy File an Antitrust Action - the Pro's and Con's
RPAMall Articles Relevant to Sherman Act:
The choices below will take you to RPAMall articles which are relevant to the Sherman Act. Since such articles were written with the RPA in mind, you should read them with the understanding that the RPA is only one of various antitrust statutes, and the problems relating to RPA antitrust litigation are often quite similar to the problems in other antitrust litigation, especially Sherman Act litigation. In many instances, the action will allege violations of the Sherman Act, Clayton Act, and RPA.
- YOU ARE NOT ALONE! - How to Put Together a Small Group of Injured Persons to Start a Single Action under the Sherman against a company violating the Sherman Act
- When Do Defendants Settle Sherman Act Cases, If At All?
- Suggestions Wanted for New Topics for the Sherman.Act Mall - DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS?
- Sherman Act and Related Federal Statutes
- Estimating Your Damages and Recovery in an Antitrust Suit
- Damages Rule of
Thumb: 9,000 X 1 Day's Loss of Profits;
- Who Can Sue as Injured Persons for Violation of the Antitrust Laws - Individuals, Corporations, Towns and Other Governmental Bodies
- Antitrust: the Civil Rights Law for Small Business
- Estimated Expenses of a Sherman Act Lawsuit
- Litigation Stages and Estimated Length of Sherman Act Lawsuit
- Costs Taxed against Losing Party under 28 U.S.C. Section 1920 - Costs Not Taxable to the Extent Losing Party Cannot Afford to Pay Them
- The Shils Report, a 250-Page Report and Survey Proving that Big Box / Superstores Are Injuring Towns and Small Businesses in America through Price Discrimination and Other Predatory Practices
- Pro's and Con's in Deciding Whether or Not to Sue
- Checklist of Antitrust Claims
- Websites of Interest to Sherman Act and RPA Plaintiffs
- Selecting an Attorney to Start a Sherman Act or RPA Lawsuit
- Virtual Law Firms in Sherman Act Field
- Instructions to New Sherman Act Plaintiffs
- Many Trade Associations Are Indifferent or Adverse
- Resume of Antitrust Attorney Carl Person
- E-Mail/Fax/Telephone Inquiries to Attorney Carl Person
- Public Offering and Sale of Shares in Your Sherman Act Lawsuit
- Federal Court Docket Sheet in Sherman Act Action
- Discovery in a Sherman Act Action
- If the Antitrust Attorney and Client Live in Different States
- Available Services for Antitrust Plaintiffs or Attorneys
- Assistance Offered to Antitrust Plaintiffs' Attorneys
- Lawmall Website - Main Menu
- Sherman.Act Website Response Form
Carl E. Person, Director, LawMall,
For the c.v. (resume) of Carl Person, click on Carl Person C.V.